Bel Suono – L. Beethoven, Symphony №5 (Live, 2017)

Three young piano geniuses and their six hands flying over the piano keys.
BEL SUONO show is a sparkling mix of classics, pop music, rock, and even movie soundtracks: creations that are loved by the audience through many ages and generations.

Three handsome young men create an atmosphere, unlike anything you have ever seen before.
BEL SUONO was founded in 2011 and produces a unique combination of classical and modern music. The main aim is to eradicate listeners’ stereotype about the ‘‘boring’’ classical music. BEL SUONO has become a pure enjoyment and pleasure for the audiences. The trio works its hypnotic powers while they create a magical cocktail of music with Ravel’s “Bolero”, Antonio Vivaldi, The “Game of Thrones” soundtrack and Hungarian dance.
BEL SUONO is made up of three incredible professionals. Vasily Opalev, Kirill Gushin, and Maxim Tarasov all graduated from Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory and are winners of many International competitions. Behind their shoulders are performances and world tours with stars of classical music. The pianists are not only virtuosos but are also excellent in improvisation and composition.
BEL SUONO has been successfully performing all over the world, including Russia, Israel, Monaco, Austria, Bulgaria, and Switzerland.
The atmosphere of the show is imbued with energy that involves every listener in the ensemble of rhythm and sounds. The light effects, the stage scenery, and the music – all comply with the highest international level.

Welcome to BEL SUONO channel!

Bel Suono – Бетховен, Симфония № 5 (Live, 2017)

Три рояля на сцене — безумие? Вивальди с дабстепом — кощунство? Вовсе нет. Это неповторимое и бережное сочетание бессмертной классики и современной музыки в исполнении виртуозного трио Bel Suono.

Bel Suono — оригинальное шоу трех роялей, исполняющее классические произведения в бережном и чувственном симбиозе с современной музыкой. Бетховена и Баха в таком звучании вы даже не могли себе представить. За шесть лет на сцене российское трио пианистов-виртуозов уже успело завоевать признание по всему миру. Их музыка интересна не только завсегдатаям консерваторий, но и тем, кто с классикой знаком не очень хорошо.

Три невероятно артистичных, виртуозных, страстных и по-настоящему красивых молодых пианиста – выпускники Московской консерватории, лауреаты международных конкурсов Кирилл Гущин, Максим Тарасов и Василий Опалев.

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